martes, 17 de enero de 2017


Un ano máis a compañía de teatro BLUE MANGO THEATRE volveu a presentar unha estupenda función teatral en inglés, concretamente unha comedia musical, que foi presenciada polos alumnos e alumnas de 5º A, 5º B e 6º de primaria, no Auditorio Municipal de Ourense o pasado 12 de xaneiro. 

Nesta obra, por medio da comedia e da música, tratan temas como a amistade ou o acoso escolar, intentando concienciar aos nenos e nenas no respecto á diversidade, e no fomento de valores como a liberdade, a integridade, igualdade e respecto. 

"Through comedy and music we look at the themes of bullying and friendship". (Blue Mango Theatre)

 It’s time for holiday camp and all the kids are excited about the possibilities of camping and adventure. However, one child, Fred, seems a little different from the rest; he’s not so happy joining in with the funhe’s pale, he always wears black, he has a pet spider and he looks ….different. 
Everyone thinks he’s a bit weird and freaky. At the holiday camp Fred meets Spud and Eevie. 
Spud loves camping and is very excited about the camp. 
Eevie hates camping and doesn’t want to be there. She doesn’t like Fred and starts to bully him the moment they meet. 
At the end of the camp there is a dance competition, Eevie is desperate to win but it turns out that although Fred is different and weird he is a very good dancer. Will he manage to overcome the bully and win? What can he do if he is being bullied?