jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016


Christmas from albinonunez

(Click on the picture)

martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

A presentation about THANKSGIVING by JAMIE SMITH, our language assistant. 

Thanksgiving 2016 from albinonunez

Click on the picture. You can do a lot of activities about THANKSGIVING CELEBRATION 

lunes, 31 de octubre de 2016


A presentation about HALLOWEEN made by Jamie, our language assistant:

Halloween de Cid22


(Click on the picture) 

miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2016


Xa temos aquí a Jamie Smith, a nosa auxiliar de conversa para este curso 2016/17. 

Hello! My name is Jamie Smith. I´m from Tennessee in the USA. I live in Oak Ridge, a small town with about 27.000 inhabitants.
I studied Spanish. It´s the second time I´ve been here in Spain, four years ago I was in Sevilla studying.
I like animals and I have two cats and a dog. 
I like spanish food.
I hope to have a good year helping you improve your English. 

This is a presentation about Tennessee :

domingo, 25 de septiembre de 2016

HELLO CHILDREN!!  It´s time to back to school. 
Here we are again!!

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2016


Alumnos e alumnas de educación infantil, 4 e 5 anos, acudiron o pasado 24 de maio ao Auditorio Municipal de Ourense para presenciar unha obra teatral en inglés, concretamente THE THREE LITTLE PIGS, baseada no famoso conto Os Tres Porquiños.

On May 24th, students from the four and five year preschool classes also attended a theatrical perfomance in the Municipal Auditorium in Ourense, titled "THE THREE LITTLE PIGS" also by the group "Theatre4Schools". This interactive version of the classic children´s story included music and songs and was a hit with the young students. 
In this version, the three little pigs win the lottery and decide to each build their own house. Two of the pigs do not like to work very much, and make their houses out of straw and wood, but the third, hard-working pig builds his house out of bricks. The pigs are soon visited by the Big Bad Wolf, who tries to blow the houses down.

As in Robin Hood, this performance brings the English language to the students in a fun and enjoyable way, with vocabulary, expressions and simple structures, adapted to their ages. Social values including effort and teamwork to solve a common problem are underlying themes in the play. The students enjoyed the performance and the songs that they had learned previously in English class. 
Here is a presentation that includes different parts of the play and pictures from before and after.  

martes, 31 de mayo de 2016


O 23 de maio, alumnos e alumnas de 3º e 4º de Educación Primaria acudiron ao Auditorio Municipal de Ourense para presenciar a obra teatral en inglés: ROBIN HOOD, unha versión da famosa historia inglesa do heroe ROBIN HOOD, que roubaba aos ricos para dárllo aos pobres. Obra posta en escea polo grupo Theatre4Schools.

On May 23rd, the third and fourth grade students visited the Municipal Auditorium in Ourense to attend a performance of "Robin Hood" by the group "Theatre4Schools." It was an excellent opportunity to practice English as we enjoyed this adaptation of the classic English tale about the thief who steals from the rich to give to the poor. 
"Robin returns to Nottingham after five years and finds that Prince John has placed unbearable taxes on the people of the town. Lady Marian is captured and her hand in marriage is offered as first prize in an archery tournament, in an attempt by Prince John to capture Robin Hood. An adventure where romance is mixed with the fight against oppression." 
This enjoyable activity used the art of theatre as a new tool in English language education, but also touched on values including solidarity. The language used in the play was adapted to the ages of the students, and was complimented by songs practised in the classroom prior to attending the play, so students could participate on the day of the performance. During the play, the actors asked several students from the audience to join them on stage, to help them fight against the evil Prince John. After, the actors asked the audience a number of questions to see if the students understood the story, and also invited students to ask their own questions about the play and actors. 

In the following presentation different moments of the play are shown, including when Miguel, from the fourth grade, was invited on stage, as well as photos from before and after the presentation. 

lunes, 4 de abril de 2016

What Do You Like?

The primary students at our school have been very busy!
Over the past few weeks, we have created an english mural in our school,
filled with sentences written by the students talking about things that they like: 

Our younger students told us about animals and food that they like, 
while our older students have written all about activities they like to do, too. 

Participation was completely voluntary, and some of our students have blown us away
with their enthusiasm, creativity, and imagination!

Thank you to everyone who participated! Who knows what our next project will be....

domingo, 31 de enero de 2016


Ao longo desta semana realizamos diversas actividades para conmemorar o DÍA ESCOLAR DA PAZ E DA NON-VIOLENCIA. Unha delas foi a realización dun mural con debuxos de pombas da paz nas que ían escritas palabras relacionadas coa mesma.

Tamén realizamos outras actividades traballando o vocabulario en inglés sobre a PAZ, entre elas a redacción de frases con expresións relativas a que cousas ou situacións da súa vida cotiá lles facían sentir ou estar en PAZ. Vemos aquí como mostra os traballos realizados polos alumnos e alumnas de 4º de Educación Primaria.

domingo, 24 de enero de 2016


O pasado luns, 18 de xaneiro, os nenos e nenas de 5º e 6º de primaria fomos ver unha obra de teatro-musical en inglés. A obra titulada ALICE, foi representada pola compañía BLUE MANGO THEATRE, que xa coñecíamos doutra anterior actuación. O espectáculo está basado na obra "Alicia no país das marabillas" do autor Lewis Carroll.
"Cando Alice queda durmida sen querer,  intérnase nun mundo máxico no que vai atopando diferentes e extravagantes personaxes... (Coellos Brancos, o máis aloucado sos Sombrereiros Tolos, unha raíña de Corazóns que está sempre furiosa..) Ao longo da súa viaxe polo país marabilloso aprende moitas cousas sobre as tradicións do mundo anglosaxón: Halloween, San Valentín, o Nadal, San Patricio... Mais, chegará Alicia a tempo para o té? Só se o público a axuda". (sinopse na páxina web da compañía teatral)

Pasámolo fenomenal!:

Clica para escoitar a canción principal: ALICE 

Esta é a letra da canción:

Alice (Alice)                                           Alice (Alice)
Alice (Alice)                                           Alice (Alice)
Alice (Alice)                                           Alice (Alice)
Alice in wonderland x 4                    Alice in wonderland x 4

You´re got a date                                   Santa waits
Don´t be late                                          for his day
At four it´s time for tea                      the 25th of December

Valentine´s                                            Then Easter time
in a line                                                  It´s time to find
the fourteenth of February             Those chocolate eggs, remember?

Halloween                                              The rabbit´s late
will make you scream                              He´s got a date
The 31st of October                            With the angry queen

Then Patrick´s day                                 The hatter´s mad
It´s time to play                                     The skeleton´s sad
With all those four leaf clovers             And is it all a dream?