Yesterday the children attended a play. The play was called "The Brave Little Mary". It was held at the Auditorium of Ourense. It was perfomed by the theater group "Bicharracos Teatro".
The play was based on the story "Juan sin miedo". The main character was a girl who did not know fear. She traveled in search of adventure and to find something that scares her.
Onte os nenos foron ver unha obra de teatro. A obra chamábase "A Valente pequena María". Tivo lugar no Auditorio de Ourense. Foi representada polo grupo teatral "Bicharracos Teatro".
A obra estaba basada no conto "Xoán sen medo". A personaxe principal era unha nena que non coñecía o medo. Ela viaxou en busca de aventuras e para atopar algo que lle dese medo.