martes, 31 de mayo de 2016


O 23 de maio, alumnos e alumnas de 3º e 4º de Educación Primaria acudiron ao Auditorio Municipal de Ourense para presenciar a obra teatral en inglés: ROBIN HOOD, unha versión da famosa historia inglesa do heroe ROBIN HOOD, que roubaba aos ricos para dárllo aos pobres. Obra posta en escea polo grupo Theatre4Schools.

On May 23rd, the third and fourth grade students visited the Municipal Auditorium in Ourense to attend a performance of "Robin Hood" by the group "Theatre4Schools." It was an excellent opportunity to practice English as we enjoyed this adaptation of the classic English tale about the thief who steals from the rich to give to the poor. 
"Robin returns to Nottingham after five years and finds that Prince John has placed unbearable taxes on the people of the town. Lady Marian is captured and her hand in marriage is offered as first prize in an archery tournament, in an attempt by Prince John to capture Robin Hood. An adventure where romance is mixed with the fight against oppression." 
This enjoyable activity used the art of theatre as a new tool in English language education, but also touched on values including solidarity. The language used in the play was adapted to the ages of the students, and was complimented by songs practised in the classroom prior to attending the play, so students could participate on the day of the performance. During the play, the actors asked several students from the audience to join them on stage, to help them fight against the evil Prince John. After, the actors asked the audience a number of questions to see if the students understood the story, and also invited students to ask their own questions about the play and actors. 

In the following presentation different moments of the play are shown, including when Miguel, from the fourth grade, was invited on stage, as well as photos from before and after the presentation.